Course Trailer

Your Instructor

Mike Parsons, Chairman of Advisory Board QUALITANCE

Since quitting university after seven weeks, Mike has gone on to achieve remarkable feats. He launched Australia's first internet radio station, lived in Europe and USA, claimed a Guinness Book of Record and sold his Silicon Valley Startup.

Keynote: How to simplify Product and Marketing integration

Let's get marketing and product on the same page by starting with the user

Course Curriculum

• A Quick Introduction
• Starting Point: Begin With User Pains and Gains
• Informed Insights: Measure The Right Thing
• Universal Beliefs: 6 Mantras That Will Unite
• 42 slides/ Full Video
Product and marketing integration

You get what you measure.

Imagine if product designers and growth hackers all used the same data. Learn how to build great business insights using five metrics

Goals of the Keynote: How to simplify product and marketing integration

This keynote will tackle the tricky subject of product and marketing integration.

  • Understand the internal and external forces on product and marketing teams

  • Learn how the study of user pains and gains can inspire both product development and marketing

  • Learn how to build great business insights using five metrics

  • Let's celebrate six mantras that remind us of the vital ingredient for product and marketing teams: collaboration