Your Instructor

Mike Parsons, Chairman of Advisory Board QUALITANCE

Since quitting university after seven weeks, Mike has gone on to achieve remarkable feats. He launched Australia's first internet radio station, lived in Europe and USA, claimed a Guinness Book of Record and sold his Silicon Valley Startup.

Get Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping is a powerful tool to test and validate an idea. It's the best way to learn if your product solves a user problem.

Masterclass Contents

Course Curriculum

• Welcome To The Course
• Part 1. Introduction to Rapid Prototyping
• Part 2. What is Rapid Prototyping
• Part 3. How does Rapid Prototyping work
• Part 4. Why Rapid Prototyping matters
• Part 5. Recap
• 49 minutes of video
• 47 slides
• all downloadable

Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping is a powerful tool to test and validate an idea. It's the best way to learn if your product solves a user problem.

Goals of the Masterclass

Learn how to build your early-stage ideas by using low fidelity prototypes. Get insights into how to use a prototype to test and validate new ideas, and understand when to use diagnostic, stimulus and experience prototypes.

  • Understand the Basic Ingredients

  • Design a Prototyping Team

  • Write your own Design Challenge

  • Define the relationship with other BottomUp skills